Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Stomach Virus Blues

Dun Dun Dun ...

So we were hit by the dreaded stomach virus going around this weekend. Wild Man got it first on Saturday and is still only nursing ... yes I still nurse him at 20 months. Anyway, I woke up with it Monday night, then Farm Boy at 5 Tuesday morning. I am so thankful for wonderful aunt who was able to come and help with Wild Man since he was already feeling better by the time Farm Boy and I got it. I am also extremely thankful for my crunchiness (new word there, write it down). With modern medicine there is nothing at all to help you get over a virus ... but there is with alternative medicines. On a side note, I don't even understand why it is considered alternative medicine when it is the ORIGINAL medicine. Modern Medicine has only been around since like the 20's I believe. I am not a history person so someone else will have to verify that for me. But seriously herbs and oils have been around since the beginning of time. They are God's medicine He provided for us. Now don't get me wrong, I do believe modern medicine has its place. I mean after all, God did make someone smart enough to make them ... So that's my opinion ... I didn't mean to get that far off on a pig trail there. My whole point to this post was to share what helped us to get over it fairly quickly. At least what I feel like was quick. Before I would keep a stomach virus for a week.

Activated charcoal and Thieves oil. I put 1/4 cup activated charcoal in a quart jar and filled it with water. Let it settle then drink what is called the "grey water." The activated charcoal helps to remove the toxins from your body. Any time we feel a bit off we start drinking grey water. I also applied diluted Thieves oil on the bottom of our feet. Which helps our body to fight the virus. Then I diffused it so hopefully my aunt who sat with Wild Man won't get it. 

So today we are still not eating cheeseburgers or anything flavorful but the thought of food doesn't send us running for the nearest trash can/towel for Farm Boy/ anything that wasn't the floor. =)

(Follow me on Facebook for a few more updates about our day to day life.) 

Until next time ... 

Now I am not a Dr, nor do I claim to be. I am just sharing what works for my family. Please use common sense.

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